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10 steps to a sustainable wardrobe

Minimalist wardrobe

Acting sustainably is not rocket science and everyone can do it. The best part is that the greener you live, the more sense it makes economically. You'll get a stylish wardrobe made up of quality clothes and end up spending less than you would on discount shopping. And you can get started right away. With the clothes you have at home. How to do it?

  1. Sort out the things that are good quality and you like to wear from the unworn ones, "because there were sales" and "I'll lose weight in them someday".
  2. Sell or donate the models you no longer wear.
  3. Put things that are no longer wearable to another use - repurpose them, use them as a dishcloth, a cloth or a cosmetic pad.

Eco-friendly household

There is no need to throw away all the detergents right away and use only soap for washing. But just use what you already have, sensibly and carefully. The better we take care of our clothes and follow the instructions on the care labels, the longer our clothes will last like new. It's part of protecting the fabrics and the planet: 

  1. Wash at a lower temperature and use gentle detergents.
  2. Do not tumble dry clothes.
  3. Repair minor defects in clothes and don't throw them away (if they are quality pieces, it's worth it).

Sustainable shopping

Sustainability definitely includes shopping frugally. Before we buy an item, we should think about whether we really need it and whether it's not enough to borrow or get it second-hand. But radical renunciation is not the solution and it is natural to want to get a new beautiful model from time to time. If you want to support eco-creators, here are some tips on how not to fall for brands that see sustainability as a marketing slogan:

  1. Buy quality clothes that will last a long time.
  2. Verify where the product is made. If a Swedish brand has MADE IN THAILAND on their clothes, they won't be very sustainable.
  3. Find out the practices of fashion brands before buying their product and read their independent reviews.
  4. Look for independent certifications of quality and environmental standards, the origin of raw materials and ethical labour standards in their sweatshops.